Sunday, January 30, 2011


This cartoon about MTV is satire because it's making fun of the ridiculous shows MTV airs.  These shows are played constantly on TV and young kids watch them and get the idea that that's the way they should behave and how life is supposed to be.  These shows promote bad behavior and actions, but this cartoon is making fun of how MTV trys to say that kids should not act in this manner.

Global Warming
Saturday Night Live and Will Ferrell made a clip making fun of president Bush and Global Warming.  This whole skit is making fun of how the president doesn't really know what's going on.  One point in the clip it has the director saying to Will Ferrell, who is impersonating Bush, "You can't say facts because facts are real."  Making fun of the fact that Bush didn't know for sure all the details on global warming.  This clip is satire because they arn't being mean in anyway, they're making a point on how the president needs to know what he's talking about before he addresses an issue.

Drinking Game
In this article Daniel Kurtzman is making fun of Obama's Sate of the Union Address.  I think this is satire because its showing how Daniel feels about Obama adressing the United States.  It's showing that Obama doesn't know what he's talking about and its as if he's drunk when he says it because it's all nonsense. It's also saying that the United States might as well be drinking. Daniel isn't being mean towards Obama he's just stating how he feels in a funny way.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Smoking in the U.S.

This cartoon is satirizing smoking in the U.S.  Ted, the author of the cartoon, is being sarcastic about the food and drug administration declaring tabacco as a drug.  Saying that now all the idiots will be dead.  This is satire because its saying that idiots are the ones who smoke and do drugs, so without the drug how are they supposed to die off? And if the idiots don't die off then the world will be run by idiots and everything will become dumber. 

Do As Your Told

In this photo it shows the president getting instuctions on how to go to the bathroom.  But it shows that he's peeing on himself because the directions say to pee then unzip.  I think this is satirizing on how the president only does what he's told and he doesn't have a mind of his own.  This is satire because its just making fun of the president and it is not being brutally mean.